
Let’s Talk About You!

You are searching for the right words for your growing brand and you know it is time to be specific with your copywriting and content writing. You are a solopreneur or entrepreneur that needs an extra pair of virtual hands and administrative support.

You work for a business or an agency and you are looking for an effective SEO copy and content or online administrative support.

You are looking for the missing piece of the puzzle for your marketing campaign, the words that will reach out and touch your target market and make people excited about your brand.

You are ready for an efficient virtual assistant, story-teller and content creator.

Let’s Talk About Me.

Hello! I am Charlene Mascoll, a freelance copywriter and virtual assistant based in the beautiful Caribbean island of Barbados. If you are from a business or an agency and you need copy, content, or online administrative support, you’ve come to the right place. If you are another writer or an individual who needs copy or an extra pair of virtual hands, I am here for you as well.